
Quénan G. Gasana

16 May 2022

Mobile : +250783883303
E-mail : q.gasana@ur.ac.rw, ggq2211@gmail.com
MSc Agricultural Processing Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea.
Research Interest
Cooling, Postharvest Engineering, Biomass, Bioenergy, Plant Bioactive compound and Farm machinery and Power Engineering.
Project and Professional expertise
1. Cooling for Africa interdisciplinary approach (Engineering + Business) Aston University and University of Rwanda. Funded by Global Challenges Research Fund (£50K) 2019-2020
2. Research and Technology Transfer on capacity building of farming communities through post-harvest handling of cereals in selected districts of Rwanda, University of Rwanda Center for Entrepreneurship, and Innovation 2018-2021
3. Team leader, Rwanda Priority Skills for Growth (PSG) Program for Results (PforR) and support of the National Employment Programme (NEP). Agro-processing (Manufacturing) sector, Programme of Agricultural Mechanization.
4. Member of RSB technical Committee : Review and development of standards for Agri-processing machineries.
5. Member of advisory and technical committee at MINAGRI : Development of policy governing agricultural machineries and equipment.
6. Certified Curriculum development, DACUM Methodology.
Published Papers
Gasana, Q. G., & Kim. (2020). Effect of foliar spraying Mixed with Fish Amino Acids (FAA) and Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN) extract on Growth, Yield and Quality of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). In Rwanda journal of agricultural sciences (Vol. 2, Issue 1). https://www.ajol.info/index.php/rjeas/article/view/200853
Alammar, A., Rezk, A., Alaswad, A., Decker, S., Ruhumuliza, J., & Gasana, Q. (2020). Modelling of cold store for agro-products using solar-driven adsorption chiller under Rwandan environmental conditions. Paper presented at ICAE2020 : The 12th International Conference on Applied Energy, Bangkok, Thailand. https://www.applied-energy.org/icae2020/#Programm
Manaturikumwe Emmanuel, Rukangantambara Hamoud, Gasana Gasabato Quénan, Niyonkuru Rose, Nsengiyumva Jean Nepo (2021) Estimation Of Water Requirement Of Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT). ISSN : 2509-0119. Vol. 25 No. 1 February 2021, pp. 251-257.
A A Alammar, A Rezk, A Alaswad , J Ruhumuliza and Q G Gasana.(2021) : Solar cooling modelling utilising for cooling agro-products cold store under Rwandan environmental conditions.IOP Conf. Series : Materials Science and Engineering 1067 (2021) 012111 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1067/1/012111
Alammar, A., Rezk, A., Alaswad, A., Fernando, J., Decker, S., Olabi, A. G., ... & Gasana, Q. (2021). The Technical, Economic, and Environmental Feasibility of a Bioheat-Driven Adsorption Cooling System for Food Cold Storing : A Case Study of Rwanda. Economic, and Environmental Feasibility of a Bioheat-Driven Adsorption Cooling System for Food Cold Storing : A Case Study of Rwanda.


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