

Introduction : Several agriculture, nutrition, and health-related research findings are delayed in action and implementation due to a lack of funds. Hence food security, diet & nutrition problems viz., malnutrition, and deficiency diseases remain unresolved with inconspicuous progress in the global south. Strengthening the nexus by synergizing resources from stakeholders with research findings of academia can address malnutrition problems. Embracing social, economic, and WASH [Water, Sanitation & Hygiene] approach could build productive citizens and enhance the GDP of the nation....

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The Africa Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Cooling and Cold chain (ACES)

Background ACES was established in 2020 by the Governments of Rwanda and the United Kingdom (UK), the United Nations Environment Programme’s United for Efficiency (U4E) initiative, the Centre for Sustainable Cooling, and the University of Rwanda (UR). ACES is pursued through the Rwanda Cooling Initiative (R-COOL), a joint Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and U4E programme to advance the country’s sustainable development priorities and ambitions for enhanced collaboration on sustainable cooling throughout the continent. It is in line with Government commitments on climate...

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