

10 Nov 2020

1. Background
The ROBEEC ltd is a Company registered under TIN : 110819618, administratively located at Mbazi
Sector, Mutunda Cell, Huye district, and its main business activity is beekeeping.
ROBEEC ltd in Collaboration with the School of Forestry, Biodiversity and Conservation at UR-
CAVM (represented by Prof. Donat Nsabimana and Dr Mugunga Canisius as researchers), with the
ROBEEC scientific team, Prof. Roch Domerego and Jean-Baptiste Habimana (co-researchers), have a
research project titled “Projet de connaissance scientifique de l’abeille Rwandaise (scientific knowledge
of honeybee native in Rwanda)”,
2. Call for application
ROBEEC ltd and above mentioned researchers want to hire 3 temporal employees (4 months) to collect
data on the life of honeybees. Those employees include one agronomist, one biologist and one
veterinary, with BSc qualifications. Their employment will have following specifications :
§ Work period : 1st December 2020 to 31st March 2021, working from Monday to Friday.
§ Work specification : counting the number of bees that leave the hive during the foraging period
and collection of daily temperature and hygrometry.
§ Working place : ROBEEC laboratory and apiaries, located at Mbazi sector, Mutunda Cell, in
Huye district.
§ Salary and allowances : Total salary including taxes (250,000 Rwf), Daily transportation (1,000
Rwf), and daily food (500 Rwf).
3. How to apply
Interested candidates are requested to submit their electronic application to Prof. Donat Nsabimana (e-
mail : donatus_1999@yahoo.fr, d.nsabimana@ur.ac.rw) and copy to robeecltd@gmail.com no later than
Monday, 23rd November 2020, at 18h00. The application file will be composed by a strong motivation
letter explaining why do you think you are qualified for that job, and a CV.


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