
Expected learning outcome

A. Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed the programme, the student should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of :
A1. Describe the different types of forests and tree formations
A2. Understand the relationship between natural resources and development
A3. Prepare, implement, monitor and evaluate forest management plans
A4. Seed collect and Nursery establishment and management

B. Cognitive/Intellectual skills/Application of knowledge
B1. Identify the features of plantation and natural forests
B2. Carry out thinning and pruning operations in forest plantation
B3. Select suitable tree and shrub species for different purposes
B4. Explain the taxonomy, ecology propagation and management of the main tree and shrub species
in Rwanda
B5. Estimate volume and growth of tree stands
B6. Explain the relationship between species, wood properties and type of wood use
B7. Evaluate periodic increment and yield of forestry resources
B8. Abilities to identify the diseases and make a list of disease-causing agents
B9. Define tree improvement and articulate its importance in forestry development

C. Communication/ICT/Numeracy/ Analytic techniques/ Practical skills
C1. Apply the techniques of allocating scarce forestry resources
C2. Carrying out silvicultural operations in natural forests
C3. Compute the stand volumes, tree and log volumes.
C4. Calculate growth, yield, allowable cut for forest stands
C5. Analyze forest inventory data and give advice on necessary courses of action.
C6. Extrapolate data collected into per hectare basis.

D. General Transferable Skills
D1. Plan and conduct Seed testing and certification.
D2. Apply Natural and artificial regeneration for conservation of forest resources
D3. Establishing and managing forests and trees on farms
D4. Demonstrate an understanding of methods used in pricing forest and environmental resources
D5. Demonstrate an understanding of how to apply rules and methods in determining the sustainable yields of forest and environmental resources.


A. Knowledge and understanding
Having successfully completed the program, students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of :
A1. Different types of agroforestry systems.
A2. Advantages and limitations of each agroforestry systems.
A3. Components interaction in agroforestry systems.
A4. Nutrient cycling process in agroforestry systems.
A5. Meaning and benefits of organic farming.
A6. Principles and types of organic farming.

B. Cognitive/Intellectual skills/Application of Knowledge
Having successfully completed the program, students should be able to :
B1. Select an agroforestry system for specific location.
B2. Assess possible interaction between different components an agroforestry system.
B3. Identify different types of organic farming.
B4. Evaluate periodic increment and yield of forestry resources
C. Communication/ICT/Numeracy/Analytic techniques/Practical skills
Having successfully completed the program, students should be able to :
C1. Design an Agroforestry system.
C2. Separate different types of components interactions in Agroforestry systems
C3. Apply organic farming practices.

D. General transferable skills
Having successfully completed the module, students should be able to :
D1. Work with groups.
D2. Apply GIS software to analyse Agroforestry systems
D3. Manage integrated crops, trees, and livestock on farm land
D4. Training of Small-scale Farmers ;
D5. Elaboration of Government Policies ;
D6. Inception and Implementation of Rural Development Projects ;
D7. Maintain and improve the quality of the environment through agroforestry
D8. Manage agroforestry resources for multiple benefits on a sustainable basis
D9. Plan, mobilize resources, implement, monitor and evaluate agroforestry development projects
D10. Participate in the process of land use policy formulation and implementation.

Covered modules


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